Friday, September 24, 2004

Bluff your way to the top

As a warm up for the party we were going to last night, me and my friends played Balderdash. It's a hilarios bluffing game, where you get to be creative and crazy without feeling shameful about it. The more crazy your suggestions are, the more likely you are to win. And I did.
I'm totally sold on board games like these, and now, this is on my wishlist...


Therese said...

I am crazy about board games too :) . My favorite right now is called Cranium. It's a combination of all different types of games and includes drawing, spelling, answering tricky questions, sculpting, singing, miming etc. There is no bluffing involved, though, so you might be a bit disappointed :) . The best thing is that you work in teams and can always choose who in the team should perform the task. That way you hardly ever have to do anything that you're uncomfortable with.

Paeonia said...

I have that game too, I'm crazy about it! It's quite tricky, especially the whistling part. Once, one of my friends had to sculpt "internet" to her team partner... They didn't solve it, which is quite understandable.