Friday, August 27, 2004


My morning news paper Hufvudstadsbladet pays attention to a study (in Swedish) made in Sweden by the central organisation of Swedish academics a while ago. The substance of it is that, in some cases, it is economically not profitable to get a Master's degree in the Nordic countries. This is due to the Nordic way of pursuing a wage policy which shows solidarity with low-paid workers, therefore the wages for academics are low. And again, surprise surprise, the women are the losers as professions like librarians, physiotherapists and occupational therapists are low-paid. Economists and doctors score high on the other hand.

I've written about this before. Many Finns go to either university or polytechnics. But if this is the reality that faces them after graduation, the brain drain could increase. I should have gone for my dream of becoming a florist!

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