Monday, February 20, 2006

Entertaining past

I was hunting online java games for kids last night as I'm planning on using them in teaching languages. I found some good ones for this purpose, but I also stumbled upon my absolute favorite one as a child: Boulderdash! I ended up sitting all night hunting down those same diamonds I did 20 years ago out of pure pleasure and enjoyment (thus missing out on last night's goodies of the Olympics). The tactic I used back then to get around the evil butterflies was still crystal clear in my mind, which really fascinates me. Imagine that the ways of getting around in a computer game I employed 20 years ago are still there and that I can still use them to successfully play the game! Although the game is a light version of the one I used to play as a kid I was absolutely thrilled to find it, and although a bit old fashioned, it countered well my other passion at the moment, playing alchemist as a gnome in World of Warcraft.

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